Matthew Caulfield
Assistant Professor
I received my Ph.D. from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 2021, and I am an Assistant Professor at the Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University (institutional profile).
My main research interests are in business & society, nonmarket strategy, and business ethics. My most recent research focuses on corporate social responsibility as well as corporate governance.
I serve on the Editorial Review Board of Academy of Management Review and the Editorial Board of Journal of Business Ethics. I also am a Representative-at-Large for the International Association for Business & Society (IABS). I was previously Media Director for the Society for Business Ethics as well as a Senior Fellow at the Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research at the Wharton School. As a hobby, I also do some work on voting technology markets, which as been profiled in Politico.
Caulfield, M. & Lynn, A. 2024. Federated Corporate Social Responsibility: Constraining the Responsible Corporation. Academy of Management Review 49(1): 32-55.
Caulfield, M. 2023. Between Markets, Politics, and Ethics: On Vendor Conscience and Impersonal Markets. Journal of Business Ethics 188(2): 307-326.
Caulfield, M. 2021. Pay Secrecy, Discrimination, and Autonomy. Journal of Business Ethics 171(2): 399-420.
Caulfield, M. & Laufer, W.S. 2019. Corporate Moral Agency at the Convenience of Ethics and Law. Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy 17.
Chapters & Commentary
Caulfield, M. 2024. Ethics à la Mode: Should Ethics Apply to Artificial Intelligence, or the Other Way Around?. The Innovator (Fordham Social Innovation Collaboratory Magazine). Vol 4, pp. 15-22.
Caulfield, M. 2020. Book Review: Big Business. Business Ethics Quarterly 30(4): 608-612.
Caulfield, M. 2019. Expressive Business Ethics. In D.M. Wasieleski & J. Weber (Eds.), Business Ethics (Business & Society 360) (4): 123-153. Emerald.
Caulfield, M. 2018. The Expressive Functions of Pay. Business Ethics Journal Review 6.
Strudler, A., Caulfield, M., Kim, T.W. 2021. Toward a “We”-Mode Team Production Theory of the Firm: A Confucian Approach. In M. Pirson et al. (Eds.), Alternative Theories of the Firm. Routledge: Humanistic Management Series.
Laufer, W.S. & Caulfield, M. 2020. Wall Street and Progressivism. Yale Journal on Regulation Bulletin. 37: 36-51.
Caulfield, M. & Laufer, W.S. 2018. The Promise of Corporate Character Theory. Iowa Law Review Online, 103: 101-22.
Press & Popular Coverage
Politico - Feature-Length Profile on Friday Cover, One Man’s Quest to Break Open the Secretive World of American Voting Machines
Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance - Demonizing Wall Street
Washington Post - Op-ed - Two Virginia counties did the improbable: They replaced their voting machines
Columbia Law School Blog on Corporations and Capital Markets - Assessing Corporate Character as a Basis for Criminal Sentencing
Knowledge at Wharton - SiriusXM Interview - Building a Better American Voting System
Research used/cited in:
Vox, USA Today, Bloomberg, Fortune, Wired, Barron's, The Hill, Brennan Center, ProPublica, NYTimes, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) Report, U.S. Senate Letters (1 & 2).
Awards & Recognition
Platt Fellowship in Business Ethics (2017-2021), The Wharton School
Marc and Diane Spilker Corporate Governance Fund Award (2017-2020), The Wharton School
George James Term Fund Award (2018, 2019)
George James Doctoral Fellowship (2016-2017)
Graduate Research Fellowship, Penn Wharton Public Policy Initiative (2018-2019)
Society for Business Ethics Founders' Award (2017)
Hayek Fund Award (2020, 2023)
Humane Studies Fellowship (2019-2021)
University of Bath’s Centre for Business, Organizations, and Society #ThinklistNext21 (2021)
University-Wide Honors College Outstanding Faculty Award (2022), West Chester University
James M. Buchanan Fellowship (2023)